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CEE-SECR 2013 Results

790 participants, over 100 presentations

Presentations rating. Slides.
Press-center. Photos.

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Join us for SECR 2014

Ivar Jacobson

Ivar Jacobson

Founder and Chairman
Ivar Jacobson International

Wil van der Aalst

Wil van der Aalst

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


James Stikeleather

Executive Strategist & Chief Innovation Officer
Dell Services

Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas

Founder and Chairman
Bedarra Research Labs

Chris Lattner|Крис Латтнер

Chris Lattner

Founder and chief architect

Evgeniy Koshkin|Евгений Кошкин

Evgeniy Koshkin

Software Developer

Dmitry Loshchinin|Дмитрий Лощинин

Dmitry Loshchinin

Chief Executive Officer and President

All keynote & invited speakers

Inna Smirnova|Инна Смирнова

Inna Smirnova

Enchancing the team work effectiveness for the QA engineers

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In my report I would like to describe simple methodics to enhance the effectiveness of team members collaboration. Those…

Natalia Sprogis|Наталия Спрогис

Natalia Sprogis

Effective use of UX-research

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As a head of Mail.Ru UX Research Lab I’ve worked with various products on different stages of lifecycle. I’m going to tell…

Mikhail Ershov|Михаил Ершов

Mikhail Ershov

Migration of the project from .NET to PHP technology – practical experience and recommendations

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In this presentation I will tell about our experience of existing project migration to completely new technology platform. I…

All regular talks

Kirill Chuvilin|Кирилл Чувилин

Kirill Chuvilin, Olga Yufryakova, Renat Nyazhemetdinov, Kirill Danilov

Modern tools for mobile device software developer: Tizen SDK and Intel Perceptual Computing SDK

Maxim Dorofeev|Максим Дорофеев

Maxim Dorofeev

Adaptive project estimation

Free for conference participants

All master classes

Large cross-cultural project development under agile

CEE-SECR 2013 Conference Results

Premium sponsor

Russian Venture Company

Gold sponsors

IntelJetBrainsLuxoftDeutsche Bank

Silver sponsors

First Line SoftwareEMCOracleAtlassian



Innovative Sponsor


Supported by


Main partners

RussoftAP KIT

In cooperation

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

General internet partner



ReksoftPMI Moscow chapterSoftware Engineering

Internet support


Technical partners

Hosting CenterAxureGitHubReisebuero WELTDigital OctoberROSAFirmBook

General information partner

Open Systems

Information partners

CNewsRocIDInternet v TsyfrakhSecurity LabPositive Technologiesit-sobytie.ru12newsExpomapInteraction DesignSoftlineBelorussian community of business and system analyticsIT talk DataArtSoftWeek.ruIttube.ruIT-PortfolioBlogunHashcodePro BusinessMeraLabsSearchenginesCMS MagazineLinux FormatMSKIT.ruITSZ.ruNNIT.ruSaaS.ruApps4AllClocate.comdevclub.euEast-West Digital NewsIT ExpertIT ManagerIT NewsCRN/REPC MAGAZINE/Russian EditionESET CLUBSoftware-Testing.ruArhimed TodayRussian Affiliate Congress & Expo (RACE)Komputernye vestiQA CLUBICT-Online.ruSPb ITMedia TimesTypical ProgrammerTypical Programmer BabyRetail&LoyaltyPLUS JournalComputerraSystem Administrator Magazine

Partner conferences

Agile DaysSoftware PeopleThe Product Management FestivalMDDaySPM ConfSQA DaysMobilefest 2013RUSSIAN AFFILIATE DAYS 2013Kotlin ChallengePMI Forum

HR partners



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