Ivar Jacobson
Founder and Chairman
Ivar Jacobson International
Dr. Ivar Jacobson is a father of components and component architecture, use cases, the Unified Modelling Language and the Rational Unified Process. He has contributed to modern business modelling and aspect-oriented software development.
Lately, Jacobson has been working…
Dave Thomas
Founder and Chairman
Bedarra Research Labs
Dave Thomas is the Founder and Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs (BRL), which specializes in emerging software technologies and practices. BRL enables clients rapidly deploy innovative solutions using the latest practices and technologies. Dave is a popular, humorous, albeit opinionated…
James Stikeleather
Executive Strategist & Chief Innovation Officer
Dell Services
Jim Stikeleather is Chief Innovation Officer for Dell Services where his team enables, facilitates and accelerates new technologies, business models and processes to address evolving business, economic and social forces for the company and customers.
Wil van der Aalst
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst is a full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). He is also the Academic Supervisor of the International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems of the National Research University, Higher School of…
Igor Agamirzian
Chief Executive Officer,
Russian Venture Company
Born on March 21, 1957
Graduate of the Leningrad State University, special subject — Applied Mathematics.
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Trainee Research Officer, Junior Research…
Natalya Kaspersky
Graduated from Moscow State Institute of Electronic Engineering with a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics, and has a bachelor’s degree in Business of The UK Open University. Natalya Kaspersky is an active participant of international business community life and actively invests in high-tech…
Boris Shteinberg
Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)
Boris Shteinberg is a professor of Southern Federal University and a head of Angstrem SFedU laboratory. Boris has moved from pure mathematics to computer science. As a pure mathematician solved the problem posed by two German scientists at the international conference on…
Chris Lattner
Founder and chief architect
Dr. Chris Lattner the founder and chief architect of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, an open source project that encompasses a wide-range of compiler and low-level tool chain technology. A notable piece of the LLVM project is the Clang compiler (which Chris also created) which is an industry…
Dmitry Loshchinin
Chief Executive Officer and President
Dmitry Loshchinin has served as Luxoft Chief Executive Officer since the inception in 2000. Mr. Loshchinin started his professional career as a software engineer in the early 1990’s in Germany. Before joining Luxoft, Mr. Loshchinin served in management roles within leading software…
Dmitri Martynov
Regional Developers Relations Program Manager
For two decades Dmitri was improving quality of software ecosystems and building technology partnerships. From 2002 to 2012 he worked as a Platform Strategy Adviser in Microsoft Russia where he was in charge of cooperation with partners and promotion of advanced technologies.…
Nikita Filippov
Managing Partner, Agile Coach
Nikita Filippov started his career as a developer, and now is the product manager in a major Russian web company. The last 5 years he is implementing Lean and Agile approaches and principles of product management at various levels in various companies – from start-ups to large…
Dmitri Dubograev
Founder and managing partner
Dmitri I. Dubograev is a founder and managing partner of the law firm FEMIDA.US (a/k/a International Legal Counsels PC) in Alexandria, VA with affiliate offices in Washington, D.C., Paris and Moscow. He focuses on representation of clients in the information technology, software, finance,…
Svetlana Emelyanova
Marketing Manager, Programs for Software Developers, Russia/CIS
Svetlana works as a marketing manager for Intel ® Developer Zone program since 2011. She started her career at Intel as an intern and was responsible for Intel® Software Network website content and infrastructure. In 2010 she worked at a start-up project:…
Igor Odintsov
Manager, Strategic Development in Russia
Evgeniy Koshkin
Software Developer
Evgeniy is a Software Developer working in TeamCity team from 2009. His area of responsibility is support of .NET-related technologies in TeamCity.
Dmitry Soshnikov
Technology Evangelist / Associate Professor
Microsoft / HSE / MAI
Dmitry Soshnikov is a Technology Evangelist at Microsoft Russia, whose main objective is to unleash the beauty and simplicity of using Microsoft technologies and .NET platform for both university studies and for the real world projects. In addition to his work at…
Svetlana Isakova
Svetlana is working on Project Kotlin (http://kotlin.jetbrains.org) at JetBrains since 2011. Before joining Kotlin she had a passion for the Scala programming language. She loves concepts and ideas, and to ski in the Alps as well.
Maxim Dorofeev
Managing partner
Sergey Lunev
HTML5 Tools Development Manager
Sergey joined Intel in 2004 and started his career in the company as a team lead for scalar optimization component in Itanium compiler. Since then Sergey had a number of leadership positions in product projects related to compilers, binary translation, developer tools for Intel® Xeon Phi, as…