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Master classes

How to Launch a Startup in Silicon Valley: Practical Step-By-Step Guide

Vlad Pavlov|Владимир Павлов

Vlad Pavlov

Founder and CEO, rollApp Inc.

October 23–24, 10:00 – 18:00
Registration closed
In Russian only

Course overview

This tutorial aims to help entrepreneurs who plan to establish a new startup in Silicon Valley or to move there an already existing company. The tutorial will cover a wide range of practical questions: starting from how to find/rent an apartment and how to incorporate the company; and finishing with how to close an investment round.

The program will mostly focus on the seed and early growth stages of a startup. The tutorial will cover all the essential elements of business development and money raising processes, with a special attention to practical details important for entrepreneurs who relocated to California from abroad.

After attending a tutorial, a participant will have hands-on answers to the following questions:

  1. How do I relocate to Silicon Valley? Travel, visa, apartment, car, food, etc.;
  2. What is the business-culture in Silicon Valley? Dress-code, introductions, meetings, language, etc.
  3. How do I incorporate a company? DE vs. CA vs. other states, type of business entity, subsidiaries in other countries, shareholder agreement, etc.;
  4. How do I get the basic services for my company: office, bank, telco, biz-cards, accounting; corporate, IP and immigration attorneys; etc.
  5. What advanced services might I need: tutors, consultants, advisors; incubators, accelerators, trainings; etc.
  6. How do I compensate the core team: stock, stock options, vesting, etc.;
  7. What should be an initial roadmap for my business: market, team, product, traction;
  8. How do I build a business-model: value proposition, customer segments and relationships, channels, revenue streams and costs, key activities, resources and partnerships;
  9. How do I launch my product: events, traditional media, social media, etc.;
  10. How do I create a set of documents for raising an investment: elevator pitch, executive summary, slide-deck, financial model, demo;
  11. How do I find and approach investors: advisors, events, communities, online resources;
  12. What should I do once I found an investor: equity vs. bridge loan, term-sheets, due diligence, closing the deal.

About instructor

Vlad Pavlov|Владимир ПавловVlad Pavlov is the founder and CEO of rollApp Inc., which is his third startup.

Vlad is a serial entrepreneur and global high-tech executive who previously served on CxO/Director positions for a wide range of companies from seed-stage startups to Intel and Microsoft, in Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the US. His experience includes managing market-leading products ranging from browser plug-ins to compilers and FDA-approved clinical information systems. A frequent speaker at scientific and industrial conferences, he has authored major publications on computer science and software engineering (in 2006 was included into ACM Top-10 list). Vlad is a Senior IEEE member, founder and ex-Chairman of the Ukrainian ACM Chapter, Chair-Emeritus at CEE-SECR, his biography is published in Marquis’ Who’s Who in the World.


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CEE-SECR 2013 Results

790 participants, more than 100 presentations

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See you at SECR 2014!

  • The SECR-2011 conference pleasantly surprised with the quite uncommon for scientific forums mix of intelligence and creativity, highly informative reports, participants’ real interest in learning, and all this with an excellent organizational support. Many thanks to the organizers who took care about all the details, which made participation in the conference pleasant, interesting and very useful.

    Dr.Yuri Karpov
    SPbSTU (Polytech)

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations

  • I am always delighted to participate in SECR. On the one hand, the conference attracts me by really work atmosphere and environment, by a big number of speakers whom are interesting to hear, and on the other hand, by numerous round tables devoted to various problems which seem to be really vital to the major part of participants. I am really pleased with the informal atmosphere which always predominates on the sessions themselves as well as in the lobby talks within the backroom space. All these actions are usually held on a very high professional level. It is also great that in spite of purely engineering scope of the conference many other topics related to the software engineering are also discussed here, such as human resources and training in IT companies, IP protection etc. No doubts, that SECR is considered to be a world-class conference and comprehensively reflects the status of IT industry in Russia as well as development trends in the world.

    Vyacheslav Nesterov
    General Manager of the Software Development Center
    EMC Russia

  • Thank you for all the excellent arrangements you made for my participation in CEE SEC[R]. The conference was very well managed.

    Dr. Bill Curtis
    Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist
    Cast Software

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)

  • I was privileged to speak at CEE-SECR in 2011 to a large group of Russian software experts on the future of Scrum. It is inspiring to see how over the last few years, Scrum has taken hold and is truly transforming the culture of the Russian software industry. This process is driven in large part by the drive and dedication of leaders like the organizers of the CEE-SECR event to make the most advanced knowledge and best practices available to their fellow software professionals. It is professionally gratifying to be a part of this effort.

    Jeff Sutherland
    Scrum Inc.

  • Thumbs up for the organizers of the SECR conference. The event was extremely well organized and managed, and I derived enormous satisfaction from meeting up with very interesting people and making lots of extremely useful contacts among the Software Engineering professionals. Keep up the good job!

    Tatiana Danielyan
    Deputy Director of Linguistic Product Department

  • Thanks to the organizers for a great event. There were many interesting presentations, lively discussions and bright personalities. In particular we noticed a close connection between generations and unexpectedly large common ground between academia and practitioners.

    Alexander Spiridonov
    Head of software testing and maintenance

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • The conference was very well organized! All information was available on the website in advance. The leading experts and interesting speakers were invited from Russia and around the world. Selected presentations were relevant and informative. The round tables devoted to innovations, investment, forecasts for the future were very interesting. Many thanks to the organizers!

    Evgeny Philippov
    Director, CIS
    Exigen Services

  • CEE-SEC(R) goes from strength to strength, year to year. Each year larger, and more important, better: better papers, better speakers, even a better venue! The Object Management Group is proud to participate, and I personally tremendously enjoyed my participation and look forward to 2013. This is one of the best software engineering events in Eastern Europe – and perhaps the world.

    Richard Soley
    Chairman and CEO
    Object Management Group

  • I was very impressed with the Software Engineering Conference Russia. In part, this was due to the hard work of the organizers and sponsors of the conference. And in part, the success of the conference was a result of the desire of Russian software professionals to network, learn, and advance the state-of-the-practice. This is a hallmark of our emerging discipline: the professionalization of software engineering. The enthusiasm of the attendees and speakers at SECR was notable. All who were associated with the conference are to be congratulated.

    Mark Paulk
    Carnegie Mellon researcher
    CMM co-author

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect

  • At the last year’s event, we heard from Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the co-inventor of Scrum, that his company Scrum Inc. was launching a new Scrum capability assessment methodology. Since it is always extremely valuable to learn from the best, we decided to undergo the assessment, and as a result First Line became the first software firm in the world to be awarded an official Scrum Capability Rating by Scrum Inc.

    Alexander Pozdniakov
    First Line Software

  • The conference program always keeps focus on important aspects of state-of-the-art software engineering technologies, and provides a unique opportunity and ground to meet in person with world-known gurus in software engineering. I would like to highlight the excellent atmosphere of SECR that enables fascinating discussions and practical experience exchange with colleagues from leading IT companies. Participants of the conference have become good friends, and the conference itself can be considered an annual meeting of Software Engineering Club members.

    Alexander Babkin
    Manager of Quality Engineering team
    Motorola Mobility St. Petersburg

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner

  • I truly enjoyed speaking at SECR. The hospitality given to the speakers was exceptional and the conference was very well run. I am looking forward to returning soon!

    Mark Lines
    Managing Partner
    Scott W. Ambler + Associates

  • SECR was a remarkable event, in a number of ways. The quality and breadth both of the presenters and attendees made this a world-class conference on software engineering of great value to academics and practitioners alike. It was particularly useful and rewarding for those of us coming from abroad to learn something about Russia today and the state of the Russian software industry. It is an impressive and growing community that will only increase in importance in years to come.

    Michael Cusumano
    MIT Sloan