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Call For Speakers

CEE-SECR 2013 is over. Suggest your topic for CEE-SECR 2014!

Accepted proposals

ID 18: Native software testing for Android. Ilya Vereschagin, Auriga
ID 84: The Sound of One Hand Typing. Andrew Zusman, Inkod-Hypera
ID 88: Designing with Sensors: Creating Adaptive Experiences. Avi Itzkovitch, XG Media
ID 94: Evolutionary development of software using the procedural-parametric programming. Alexander Legalov, Siberian Federal University
ID 145: Video Conferencing on a Web Page: Technologies and Prospects. Alexey Protsenko, Auriga
ID 157: Patenting interface of a mobile application. Michail Radchenko, SoftPatent
ID 161: Satisfied Customer of IT solution. The Aim and the Pathway.. Maxim Gvozdev, Lean4systems Group, IAMCP Russia
ID 185: Transition from selling perpetual licences to subscriptions. Arseny Tarasov, Adobe
ID 192: Cloud website speedup: DNS, CDN, FEO. Nikolay Matsievsky, WEBO Software
ID 198: User Agreement / Mistakes and Pitfalls. Sergey Vasiliev, TechTunnel
ID 278: Helping teams become better. Anna Mininkova, Yandex
ID 330: Enchancing the team work effectiveness for the QA engineers. Inna Smirnova, Reksoft
ID 342: Automating mainatinance of Linux software repositories. Denis Silakov, ROSA
ID 348: 3 practice of creative thinking in the development of user interfaces (UI). Vladimir Zavertaylov, Sibirix
ID 381: Project temperature or thermometer usage. Leonid Netrebskiy, ELVEES-NeoTech
ID 413: Check, model and check again – three practical suggestions to improve parallel development cycle with Intel tools. Ekaterina Antakova, Intel Corporation
ID 425: Developers vs Support. No! Developers & Support.. Lilia Gorbachik, Kofax
ID 435: Modern challenges in software engineering education in Russia. Yury Kupriyanov, WikiVote!
ID 440: Quality Audit in SCRUM-project or Continuous Improvement of Continuous Integration.. Nadezhda Evstifeeva, ARRIS St.Petersburg Software Center (former Motorola Mobility)
ID 454: Distributed NoSQL DBMS “Riak”. Andrey Smirnov, Reksoft
ID 476: Changing for good. Transtheoretical model for developers. Igor Kleiner, Infowatch
ID 482: Complex system design without conflict. Dmitriy Dzyuba, NVision Group
ID 491: Appling Principle of least astonishment to API development. Andrey Gordienkov, Luxoft
ID 498: A success story of porting a PC software for black oil development map visualization to iPad2. Dmitrii Maidanov, UFNTC
ID 524: Lightweight Linux Dynamic Libraries Profiling Technique for Embedded Systems. Kirill Krinkin, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University
ID 526: Development of hybrid mobile business applications: balance between native and HTML applications.. Aleksey Kosylo, Docsvision
ID 541: WebRTC: Call me from your browser!. Vladimir Beloborodov, MERA NN
ID 571: Migration of the project from .NET to PHP technology – practical experience and recommendations. Mikhail Ershov, First Line Software
ID 601: K Means Clustering Algorithm using Hadoop in Openstack. Deepak Mane, Tata Consultancy Services
ID 616: Creating WPF Controls. Anatoly Konoplev, Digital Design
ID 621: Startups in the Amazon Web Services – the subtleties, pitfalls, recipes. Aleksander Serbul, 1C-Bitrix
ID 626: To combine tight releases schedule and high-quality testing. How?. Alexey Nadenenko, Sberbank Technologii LLC, Minsk
ID 628: Modeling Malware Propagation in Wide Area Networks. Vitaly Antonenko, Applied Research Center for Computer Networks (ARCCN)
ID 646: Video Calling System and Browser for I2P network. Andrey Bodrenko, Volgograd State University
ID 669: Cross-platform mobile applications: typical issues and possible solutions. Maxim Leykin, MERA NN, LLC
ID 683: Manage of the requirement/user stories in the Scrum realities.. Roman Alyoshkin, Acronis
ID 707: QReal:Robots — an environment for teaching computer science and robotics in schools. Andrey Terekhov, Saint Petersburg state university
ID 722: Business processes engineering in the IT department of a large coupon service. Igor Arkhipov, Kaspersky Lab
ID 730: The strategy of software development in R&D company. Ruslan Martimov, SPb Vega
ID 743: Microsoft Kinect as a driver of innovation interfaces for human-computer interaction.. Pavel Korotkiy, Mera
ID 760: Effective meeting. Damir Tenishev, Exigen Services
ID 765: Good enough software. When to stop?. Damir Tenishev, Exigen Services
ID 778: Software defined networks: myths and reality. Alexandr Shalimov, Applied Research Center for Computer Networks (ARCCN)
ID 814: The Role of Configuration Management in Outsourcing and Distributed Development. Lars Bendix, Lund University, Sweden
ID 823: OpenStack as a public cloud at IBM: lessons learned. Dima Rekesh, IBM
ID 838: Web developer and raw SQL: conflicts and approaches. Philip Torchinsky, JetBrains
ID 859: Elite prep school organization: Students in the IT-company.. Alexey Kostyushko, Parallels
ID 867: How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development. Sven Peters, Atlassian
ID 898: Development of AutoCAD application for calculation of grounding and lightning protection of electric power substations. Dmitry Shishigin, Vologda state technical university
ID 906: Experience of using Chef in highload projects with need to be autoscallable. Dmitriy Lavrinenko, Luxoft, Luxoft Training
ID 913: Migration of the ERP-system from client-server architecture to web and mobile applications (AIST in the Clouds). Michael Lebedinsky, Termopal Ltd., Odessa
ID 926: Effective use of UX-research. Natalia Sprogis, Mail.Ru Group
ID 928: Software Defined Networks and Virtualization of Network Services: New Challenges for Software Developers. Ruslan Smelyanskiy, Moscow State University
ID 940: Caution! Patent trolls! Theory, practice and a few examples. George Bardmesser, Bardmesser Law Group
ID 977: Experience in the organizing labs for e-learning courses. Dmitry Kiryanov, Polybook Multimedia JSC
ID 985: Project manager’s professional responsibility. Vladimir Fofana, Action Learning
ID 997: Total code review. How and why?. Leonid Savchenkov, Deutsche Bank
ID 1030: Testing “tame beast”: tips & tricks for usability testing of mobile apps. Nikita Efimov, 4hmns
ID 1057: How to make data work on your business?. Irina Maximova, CQG
ID 1064: Software Testing and Quality Assurance in Company with Distributed and Multidimensional Teams: How to Improve?. Emma Danielyan, CQG Inc.
ID 1090: Quality designing. Natalya Rukol, Quality Lab.
ID 1096: The practice of domain models usage in the development of software systems. Denis Ivanov, Modelware
ID 1119: Dark and Light side of DevOps.. Alexander Titov, Express 42
ID 1121: Battle for the headache. UX vs Product Manager. Sergey Tumanov, 4hmns
ID 1129: Development of the flexible lock manager that can be modified for any distributed system needs. Sergey Krendelev, Novosibirsk State University
ID 1145: On the approaches to the assessment of the quality and safety of mobile content applications. Alexey Nazarov, OJSC “Intellect Telecom”
ID 1191: NFC and Android OS: on the way to the contactless payments. Igor Khapov, IBM
ID 1210: Internal services as a product. Evgeny Vinogradov, NKO Yandex.Money, LLC
ID 1238: Using Controlled Language in Technical Documentation. Inna Yakimenko, First Line Software
ID 1268: Browser automation: from tools to the standard. Alexei Barantsev, Software-Testing.Ru
ID 1281: Developer’s KPI. Evgenia Firsova, Yandex.Money
ID 1290: Intelligent Tutoring System “Volga”: Lessons Learned. Natalia Smirnova, Institute of Control Sciences RAS
ID 1298: Using F# for Real-time Stream Data Processing: from Twitter and Financial Analytics to Kinect and Leap Motion Sensors. Dmitry Soshnikov, Microsoft / HSE / MAI
ID 1342: Universal approach to monitoring of objects of any nature. Slava Vasilyev, Krasnyi Ugol LLC
ID 1347: New architecture of mobile applications based on Xamarin technology with examples of Kommersant app for iOS and Android. Vadim Mityakin, Galssoft
ID 1366: DPMine/P: modeling and process mining language and a ProM plug-in. Sergey Shershakov, NRU HSE
ID 1371: It’s not the team…. Alexey Pimenov, R-Style
ID 1377: Large cross-cultural project development under agile. Андрей Дмитриев, Quickoffice
ID 1386: Java Platform Tradeoffs. Alexey Fyodorov, Oracle
ID 1391: From theory to practical skills: one of the ways to develop professional.. Sergey Atroschenkov, VIAcode
ID 1418: How to adjust pre-commit testing using historical data. Vasiliy Kurkov, Intel
ID 1443: Using Cloudify PaaS to accelerate application development. Mikhail Druzhinin, Luxoft, Luxoft Training
ID 1445: Consumer Electronics Applications Without User Behavior Analysis? IMPOSSIBLE!. Dmitry Vavilov, T-Systems, St-Petersburg
ID 1447: Constructing BPMN-models from Casual-nets. Nikita Gundobin, International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab)
ID 1487: Whose bread the analysts eat?. Larisa Melikhova, T-Systems, Saint Petersburg
ID 1500: Arranging online-sales of your product: travel guide passing repeated mistakes. Olesya Chedleeva, Avangate B.V.
ID 1525: Gauge for Programmer. Elaboration of software developers efficiency evaluation system.. Valentin Anoprenko, Devexperts
ID 1535: Integrated technology for software verification and testing.. Vsevolod Kotlyarov, Saint-Petersburg State Politechnic University
ID 1545: Does an outsourcing company have a chance be the best in the area of complex product development?. Nikolay Zapakhalov, freelance
ID 1637: Abstract parsing based on GLR-algorithm. Semyon Grigorev, SPbSU
ID 1656: Using meta-modelling to forecast software development project characteristics. Andrey Bazhenov, SPbSPU
ID 1664: Static Analysis for Dynamic Updates. Oleg Šelajev, University of Tartu
ID 1685: Extreme Interview. Hiring for agile environment. Kamil Grabowski, Menlo Innovations
ID 1690: Face detection and classification on mobile devices. Igor Markov, Auriga, Inc
ID 1695: In search of new tools to attract students. Kirilenko Iakov, SPbSU
ID 1699: Midpoint people. Vladimir Zheleznyak, IT-Boost
ID 1774: Creating real-time media applications for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. Fedor Lyakhov, Mera NN
ID 1825: Skolkovo for IT startup’s. Albert Efimov, Skolkovo
ID 1876: Role of the Software Architect in the engineering team. Maxim Kuzkin, Parallels

Call for speakers

CEE-SECR 2013 is the premier software engineering conference in Russia. The conference will take place on October 23-25 at the Digital October Center, Moscow. Over 700 participants are expected to attend the event, representing IT industry specialists from all areas: researchers and students from computer science, IT and software engineering academia, and practitioners from industry and government. The conference is supported by Russian Venture Company, Intel, Google, EMC, First Line Software, APKIT and RUSSOFT Association. In past years, keynote lectures were delivered by the author of the C++ programming language Bjarne Stroustrup, co-creator of Scrum methodology Jeff Sutherland, co-founder of Yandex Ilya Segalovich and other distinguished experts.

Keynote lectures at CEE-SECR 2013 will be delivered by James Stikeleather (Executive Strategist/Chief Innovation Officer at Dell); Dave A. Thomas (founder of OTI, now the IBM OTI Labs), Ivar Jacobson (a major contributor to UML) and others. The conference program will be composed of research presentations, experience reports, panel discussions, workshops and express-presentations with discussions.

The program targets both experienced specialists and those who seek to expand their knowledge of new areas which might be adjacent to their core specialization.


  • Technology: Research and Practice
    • Software architecture
    • Cloud computing
    • Programming technologies and tools
    • Software testing, verification and analysis
    • Big data, smart data
    • Mobile and cross platform application development
    • Software for banking and finance
    • Usability and UX
  • Management: Process and People
    • Project and product management
    • Agile methodologies
    • Software quality assurance
    • Risk Management
    • Human capital and education
  • Business and Entrepreneurship in the Computer Software Industry
  • Other topics: Any other topics related to software engineering


Please upload the following information via the submission system:

1. Topic and short description in English (and Russian, if possible). During the review process the topic and short description will be published on the Proposals section of the conference website.

Descriptions must include 1-3 sentences covering the main point of the talk.


Example 1: “If participants have problems with designing interfaces, in my report they will be able to learn about some ways of using DSL for the modification of automatically generated forms. I have not seen this approach in any literature, but our successful implementation shows that this approach works.”

Example 2: “I will share my experience in communication with difficult customers based on seven years of work and over 20 successful projects, which will be presented in the form of case studies with analysis/conclusion. I think that participants will be able to apply this knowledge in their daily work, since some of these situations have occurred more than once with different clients.”

2. Extended annotation (1800 characters or more) in English or Russian. During the review process the publication of an abstract on the conference website is optional (at the author’s discretion).

! The content of the extended annotation should fully reflect the essence of the future report. It should clearly state not only the subject area of the report but also the specific issues which will be covered, as well as scientific, technological and innovative solutions offered by authors.

Please do not send lists of slides, promotional materials, links to forums or previously written reports or articles in place of the extended annotation.

If the author positions the report as a scientific work, he/she may replace the extended annotation with a full article (up to 10 pages) formatted in accordance with standard requirements for scientific papers. Download template. During the review process the article will not be published on the conference website.

For workshop proposals please also state: workshop duration, target audience, program. During the review process this information will not be published on the conference website.

3. Author(s) photo and a short bio of 3-5 sentences. Authors are encouraged to share links to their published works, public presentations and social-networking profiles. During the review process the publication of the bio and photo on the conference website is optional (at the author’s discretion).

In addition, please specify

a) Type of your talk: presentation of scientific research results that can be used; presentation of ideas for action by analogy; informational overview; technology presentation; new technology training; new tool training; case study, experience of using technology.

b) Subject of your talk: one or more areas from the conference Scope (above).

The following materials will not be accepted

  1. Promotional presentations and articles (designed to promote a company, product or service)
  2. Presentations previously delivered at other conferences
  3. Papers previously published or accepted by another conference or journal.

Review procedure

  1. After proposal is received, the Program committee representatives can ask questions or give recommendations to the author. The author can correct the proposal via the system until July 29th. If proposal is compliant with requirements, it is published in the Proposals section of the conference website.
  2. After July 29th the final review is conducted by the Program committee. Extended annotations (for talks) or full articles (for all papers) are reviewed by at least three members of the Program committee, which can recommend the proposal for inclusion to the conference Program and give their recommendations to the authors. If the opinions about inclusion of some articles are controversial, the additional voting for these proposals is organized.
  3. After the final decision regarding proposal is made, the notification is sent to the author, and the list of accepted talks / articles is published at the conference web-site.

Timing and Equipment

30 minutes is allocated for each regular presentation, including time for discussion; 15 minutes for each express presentation; 2-8 hours for workshops.
Each room will be equipped with a plasma screen and a PC.
Presentation languages: Russian or English.

Author benefits

  1. One free conference pass per accepted paper will be given to the speaker making the presentation.
  2. The author of the best research paper will receive the Bertrand Meyer Award (1000 Euros).
  3. Full papers will be published at ACM Digital Library
  4. Best scientific papers in the Russian language will be published in Software Engineering magazine.
  5. Live broadcast of the conference will be arranged.
  6. Videos, slides, report annotations and bio of the authors are published on the conference website.

Important dates

July 29, 2013 – Submission deadline
Authors are encouraged to submit the proposals in advance in order to be able to improve their proposals on the basis of the program committee’s preliminary review.
August 31, 2013- Acceptance notification
September 30, 2013 Camera-ready submission deadline
October 23, 2013- Master-class and workshop day
October 24-25, 2013 – Main Conference days.


Nick Puntikov, Chair of CEE-SECR 2013
Julia Kryuchkova, Secretary of CEE-SECR 2013
Moscow: +7 499 703 16 55
Saint-Petersburg: +7 812 336 93 44

Premium sponsor

Russian Venture Company

Gold sponsors

IntelJetBrainsLuxoftDeutsche Bank

Silver sponsors

First Line SoftwareEMCOracleAtlassian



Innovative Sponsor


Supported by


Main partners

RussoftAP KIT

In cooperation

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

General internet partner



ReksoftPMI Moscow chapterSoftware Engineering

Internet support


Technical partners

Hosting CenterAxureGitHubReisebuero WELTDigital OctoberROSAFirmBook


Software Russiai-Help

CEE-SECR 2013 Results

790 participants, more than 100 presentations

Presentations rating
Video & slides. Photos.

Feedback? Ideas? Photo?
Send it over!

See you at SECR 2014!

  • The SECR-2011 conference pleasantly surprised with the quite uncommon for scientific forums mix of intelligence and creativity, highly informative reports, participants’ real interest in learning, and all this with an excellent organizational support. Many thanks to the organizers who took care about all the details, which made participation in the conference pleasant, interesting and very useful.

    Dr.Yuri Karpov
    SPbSTU (Polytech)

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner

  • The conference was very well organized! All information was available on the website in advance. The leading experts and interesting speakers were invited from Russia and around the world. Selected presentations were relevant and informative. The round tables devoted to innovations, investment, forecasts for the future were very interesting. Many thanks to the organizers!

    Evgeny Philippov
    Director, CIS
    Exigen Services

  • Thanks to the organizers for a great event. There were many interesting presentations, lively discussions and bright personalities. In particular we noticed a close connection between generations and unexpectedly large common ground between academia and practitioners.

    Alexander Spiridonov
    Head of software testing and maintenance

  • At the last year’s event, we heard from Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the co-inventor of Scrum, that his company Scrum Inc. was launching a new Scrum capability assessment methodology. Since it is always extremely valuable to learn from the best, we decided to undergo the assessment, and as a result First Line became the first software firm in the world to be awarded an official Scrum Capability Rating by Scrum Inc.

    Alexander Pozdniakov
    First Line Software

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect

  • The conference program always keeps focus on important aspects of state-of-the-art software engineering technologies, and provides a unique opportunity and ground to meet in person with world-known gurus in software engineering. I would like to highlight the excellent atmosphere of SECR that enables fascinating discussions and practical experience exchange with colleagues from leading IT companies. Participants of the conference have become good friends, and the conference itself can be considered an annual meeting of Software Engineering Club members.

    Alexander Babkin
    Manager of Quality Engineering team
    Motorola Mobility St. Petersburg

  • Thumbs up for the organizers of the SECR conference. The event was extremely well organized and managed, and I derived enormous satisfaction from meeting up with very interesting people and making lots of extremely useful contacts among the Software Engineering professionals. Keep up the good job!

    Tatiana Danielyan
    Deputy Director of Linguistic Product Department

  • I was privileged to speak at CEE-SECR in 2011 to a large group of Russian software experts on the future of Scrum. It is inspiring to see how over the last few years, Scrum has taken hold and is truly transforming the culture of the Russian software industry. This process is driven in large part by the drive and dedication of leaders like the organizers of the CEE-SECR event to make the most advanced knowledge and best practices available to their fellow software professionals. It is professionally gratifying to be a part of this effort.

    Jeff Sutherland
    Scrum Inc.

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • I was very impressed with the Software Engineering Conference Russia. In part, this was due to the hard work of the organizers and sponsors of the conference. And in part, the success of the conference was a result of the desire of Russian software professionals to network, learn, and advance the state-of-the-practice. This is a hallmark of our emerging discipline: the professionalization of software engineering. The enthusiasm of the attendees and speakers at SECR was notable. All who were associated with the conference are to be congratulated.

    Mark Paulk
    Carnegie Mellon researcher
    CMM co-author

  • Thank you for all the excellent arrangements you made for my participation in CEE SEC[R]. The conference was very well managed.

    Dr. Bill Curtis
    Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist
    Cast Software

  • SECR was a remarkable event, in a number of ways. The quality and breadth both of the presenters and attendees made this a world-class conference on software engineering of great value to academics and practitioners alike. It was particularly useful and rewarding for those of us coming from abroad to learn something about Russia today and the state of the Russian software industry. It is an impressive and growing community that will only increase in importance in years to come.

    Michael Cusumano
    MIT Sloan

  • I truly enjoyed speaking at SECR. The hospitality given to the speakers was exceptional and the conference was very well run. I am looking forward to returning soon!

    Mark Lines
    Managing Partner
    Scott W. Ambler + Associates

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)

  • I am always delighted to participate in SECR. On the one hand, the conference attracts me by really work atmosphere and environment, by a big number of speakers whom are interesting to hear, and on the other hand, by numerous round tables devoted to various problems which seem to be really vital to the major part of participants. I am really pleased with the informal atmosphere which always predominates on the sessions themselves as well as in the lobby talks within the backroom space. All these actions are usually held on a very high professional level. It is also great that in spite of purely engineering scope of the conference many other topics related to the software engineering are also discussed here, such as human resources and training in IT companies, IP protection etc. No doubts, that SECR is considered to be a world-class conference and comprehensively reflects the status of IT industry in Russia as well as development trends in the world.

    Vyacheslav Nesterov
    General Manager of the Software Development Center
    EMC Russia

  • CEE-SEC(R) goes from strength to strength, year to year. Each year larger, and more important, better: better papers, better speakers, even a better venue! The Object Management Group is proud to participate, and I personally tremendously enjoyed my participation and look forward to 2013. This is one of the best software engineering events in Eastern Europe – and perhaps the world.

    Richard Soley
    Chairman and CEO
    Object Management Group